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MUI Publications

MUI utilizes a variety of methods to keep Members on the forefront of state and national energy developments and policies that can impact their investments. To subscribe to any or all of our publications simply click here to be added to our e-subscription list.

To see a copy of a recent edition of "In YOUR Interest" or MUI Email Update click on the corresponding icon below. For past issues of "Keeping Current" please contact MUI at (651) 227-7902 or

MUI Email Update (Weekly)

This information-packed email arrives each Monday morning and provides an overview of monthly stock prices for our Utility Members as well as MUI event updates and links and invaluable articles from multiple sources that cover trends and developments in the Energy industry in every market sector. If you are involved in or enjoy to reading up on the latest developments in the industry, this email is a great fit.  Many use it to inform future investments and find it a convenient an invaluable resource.

Click here to view past MUI Updates.